November 29, 2009


Maa Saraswati

Characteristics : Knowledge
Other Names : Vaagdevi, Sharda
Consort : Lord Brahma
Vehicle (Vahana) : Swan
Mula Mantra : Om Aim Saraswatyai Namah
Saraswati Gayatri Mantra: Aum Saraswatye Cha Vidmahe
Brahmaputriye Cha
Dheemahi Tanno Saraswati Prachodayat

Hindu Goddess Saraswati
Goddess Saraswati is the Goddess of arts, music, knowledge, and wisdom. Saraswati is considered as the divine consort of Lord Brahma, the Creator of the universe. Goddess Saraswati is said to possess the powers of speech, wisdom and learning. Saraswati is regarded as the dispeller of chaos and confusion.

Saraswati - the Consort of Brahma
Lord Brahma is known for creating the universe. Since knowledge is required for creation, Maa Saraswati signifies the creative power of Brahma. An apt creation requires sound knowledge. The creation of Lord Brahma became fruitful with the knowledge provided by Goddess Saraswati.

Maa Saraswati - The Image
Goddess Saraswati is usually depicted as a beautiful woman with yellow skin dressed in a pure white saree. Saraswati is portrayed sitting on a white lotus with veena (a musical instrument) in her hands. The book in her hand signifies the eternal and universal knowledge as well her perfection of the scriptures. Lotus symbolizes the supreme reality and it suggests that the goddess herself is rooted in the supreme reality.

The color white represents purity and her rejection of everything that is base and materialistic. The Swan represents the discrimination between the evil and the good, the eternal and the transitory. The four arms of the goddess suggest the four aspects of human personality i.e. mind, intellect, vigilance, and ego. The pearl string represents the power of spirituality. The peacock standing near Maa Saraswati represents arrogance and pride over its beauty. The Goddess teaches that physical appearance could be deceptive, by not taking peacock as the vehicle. Goddess Saraswati suggests that one should be wise regarding the eternal truth.

Saraswati - Bestower of Knowledge
Musical instruments, books, speech, knowledge, intellect are regarded as symbols of Saraswati. Saraswati is believed to be the provider of knowledge that dispels ignorance and unhappiness. Saraswati is worshipped by seekers of knowledge especially students, scholars and scientists.

Basant Panchami
Vasant Panchami marks the beginning of the spring season. The festival of spring is celebrated with full vivacity and joy amongst the Hindu people. In Hindi language, the word '' basant / vasant'' means ''spring'' and ''panchami'' means the fifth day. In short, Basant Panchami is celebrated as the fifth day of Spring Season.

November 28, 2009



Also known as Ganapati, Vinayaka, and Pillaiyar, is one of the best-known and most widely worshipped deities in the Hindu pantheon. His image is found throughout India. Hindu sects worship him regardless of affiliations. Devotion to Ganesha is widely diffused and extends to Jains, Buddhists, and beyond India.

Although he is known by many other attributes, Ganesha's elephant head makes him easy to identify Ganesha is widely revered as the Remover of Obstacles and more generally as Lord of Beginnings and Lord of Obstacles (Vighnesha, Vighneshvara), patron of arts and sciences, and the deva of intellect and wisdom. He is honoured at the beginning of rituals and ceremonies and invoked as Patron of Letters during writing sessions.[] Several texts relate mythological anecdotes associated with his birth and exploits and explain his distinct iconography.

Ganesha emerged a distinct deity in clearly recognizable form in the 4th and 5th centuries CE, during the Gupta Period, although he inherited traits from Vedic and pre-Vedic precursors. His popularity rose quickly, and he was formally included among the five primary deities of Smartism (a Hindu denomination) in the 9th century. A sect of devotees called the Ganapatya, (Sanskrit: गाणपत्य; gāapatya), who identified Ganesha as the supreme deity, arose during this period. The principal scriptures dedicated to Ganesha are the Ganesha Purana, the Mudgala Purana, and the Ganapati Atharvashirsa.

Other names

Ganesha as 'Shri Mayureshwar' with consorts Buddhi and Siddhi, Morgaon (the central shrine for the regional aṣṭavināyaka complex)

Ganesha has many other titles and epithets, including Ganapati and Vigneshvara. The Hindu title of respect Shri (Sanskrit: श्री; śrī, also spelled Sri or Shree) is often added before his name. One popular way Ganesha is worshipped is by chanting a Ganesha Sahasranama, a litany of "a thousand names of Ganesha". Each name in the sahasranama conveys a different meaning and symbolises a different aspect of Ganesha. At least two different versions of the Ganesha Sahasranama exist; one version is drawn from the Ganesha Purana, a Hindu scripture venerating Ganesha.[]

The name Ganesha is a Sanskrit compound, joining the words gana (Sanskrit: गण; gaa), meaning a group, multitude, or categorical system and isha (Sanskrit: ईश; īśa), meaning lord or master. The word gaņa when associated with Ganesha is often taken to refer to the gaņas, a troop of semi-divine beings that form part of the retinue of Shiva (IAST: Śiva). The term more generally means a category, class, community, association, or corporation. Some commentators interpret the name "Lord of the Gaņas" to mean "Lord of Hosts" or "Lord of created categories", such as the elements. Ganapati (Sanskrit: गणपति; gaapati), a synonym for Ganesha, is a compound composed of gaa, meaning "group", and pati, meaning "ruler" or "lord". The Amarakosha, an early Sanskrit lexicon, lists eight synonyms of Ganesha : Vinayaka, Vighnarāja (equivalent to Vignesha), Dvaimātura (one who has two mothers), Gaādhipa (equivalent to Ganapati and Ganesha), Ekadanta (one who has one tusk), Heramba, Lambodara (one who has a pot belly, or, literally, one who has a hanging belly), and Gajanana (IAST: gajānana) ; having the face of an elephant).

Vinayaka (Sanskrit: विनायक; vināyaka) is a common name for Ganesha that appears in the Purāas and in Buddhist Tantras. This name is reflected in the naming of the eight famous Ganesha temples in Maharashtra known as the Ashtavinayak (aṣṭavināyaka). The names Vignesha (Sanskrit: विघ्नेश; vighneśa) and Vigneshvara (Sanskrit: विघ्नेश्वर; vighneśvara) (Lord of Obstacles) refers to his primary function in Hindu mythology as the creator and remover of obstacles (vighna).

A prominent name for Ganesha in the Tamil language is Pille or Pillaiyar (Little Child). A. K. Narain differentiates these terms by saying that pillepillaiyarpallu, pella, and pell in the Dravidian family of languages signify "tooth or tusk of an elephant", but more generally "elephant". Anita Raina Thapan notes that the root word pille in the name Pillaiyar might have originally meant "the young of the elephant", because the Palipillaka means "a young elephant". means a "child" while word means a "noble child".

November 26, 2009


Change Your Idea of Yourself

Understanding is determined by knowledge. Attitude is shaped by understanding. peace and joy arise in the mind according to one's attitude. Take the case of an ordinary soldier. If he becomes a lieutenant, he feels more important. As he rises through the ranks from a lieutenant to a major and then to a brigadier general and finally assumes the position of commander-in-chief, his power increases progressively and so does his awareness of his stature. If he becomes the president of his country, his authority is far more pervasive and he also feels far more important. Actually this person remains the same throughout. What changes then? It is his own idea of himself. He felt insignificant while he was a soldier, but now he considers himself not a soldier but the president of his country. Similarly, if you give up the wrong view of yourself as a trivial, destitute, inferior, begging, and imprisoned creature and instead begin to feel that you are Shiva, the all-pervasive soul, that you are perfection itself, how much greater your joy will be! Stop looking upon yourself as a limited individual. Become firmly anchored in the sense of your own pervasiveness, of your ability, greatness, and purity.

Think - "I am the Self"

Remember the body is perishable. Eternity is only in the Self. Truth is only in the Self. Greatness is only in the Self. Before departing there is one thing you must do - and that is to attain the Self. You are the Self. The Self is yours. You are constantly thinking about your body and identifying yourself as a person. Stop! Discard that idea. Then think, "I am the Self. I am Consciousness." The fruit of thought is very great. What you attain in the end is what you think about all the time. So think, "I am the Self, I am Consciousness. I am beautiful." The Self is complete and pure and perfect. Whatever you do, wherever you go, sit calmly and contemplate the fact that your are the Self.

Illusion of Maya Versus Ultimate Reality

The world deceives us when we consider it to be simply the world as we see it. However, once we experience the blissful sport of Consciousness, the world is transformed into a haven of bliss.

Essence of All Teachings

I will explain the essence of thousands of scriptures in half a verse. This world is an illusion. There is no difference between the individual soul and the supreme Soul. They are one and the same. This was the teaching of Shankaracharya, who wrote:

This world is the creation of the mind.
Once the mind becomes mindless,
there is no world.
There is only heaven.

November 25, 2009

November 24, 2009



Bhakti means intense longing for and love for the Master and His teachings. This Bhakti is also known as Supreme Devotion and Surrender to God and to the Master. Bhakti also means Dharma. Dharma is the act of loving Truth more than mundane life itself. Bhagawan Nityananda was the very embodiment of this Dharma, this Bhakti.

In Bhakti are all the other attainments. The journey to God-Realization is the process of Liberation from the ignorance that has kept you separate from God. Bhakti is the easiest and quickest way to make this journey. With Bhakti, it is your intense desire and longing for the Guru and His teachings that does all the work. It is this intensity that causes God to come looking for you.

There are many thousands of people on every continent on the globe who practice this Bhakti for Bhagawan Nityananda. Even though he is no longer in the body, people of every race, color and creed who worship his form share that they experience him in meditation and in dreams. Many who did not know him in his physical form share that they have been healed from illness by him in a dream or vision. There are those, even today, who receive Shaktipat (Kundalini awakening) just by meditating on a picture of Bhagawan Nityananda.

Those who gather in his name to celebrate his Divine Presence in Chanting, Meditation, Prayer and the taking of Prasad, all share that the presence of Bhagawan Nityananda is clear and palpable.

Truly speaking, he has never left. He dwells in perpetuity, in the hearts of those who love him and remember him daily.

paramhans MUKTANAND&shaktipat diksha

Paramahamsa Muktananda received Shaktipat Diksha from Bhagawan Nityananda and became one of his foremost disciples. When the Gavdevi temple was built, devotees approached Bhagawan to ask which statue of which deity should be placed in the temple. Bade Baba told them to install Muktananda instead.

Bhagawan Nityananda had three rooms built for Paramahamsa Muktananda in Ganeshpuri, India (originally the Gavdevi Ashram, now Gurudev Siddha Peeth) and told him to go stay in those three rooms. Paramahamsa Muktananda began his world-wide mission there, before establishing ashrams and centers across the globe.

Muktananda became world renowned through his work in the U.S. and Europe. He also established a Foundation to continue his work after taking Mahasamadhi. Muktananda spoke constantly of Gurudev Nityananda Bhagawan and wrote books and articles about his life with Gurudev, that have since become widely-read.paramhans muktanand

November 22, 2009


My dearest ones! Do not give up your worldly life, your near and dear ones. Do not waste yourselves away, rushing around in search of God in the four directions, nor lose your own souls while seeking inner peace and comfort. Live in your own homes with your spouses and children, making full use of your artistic talents, or running your businesses or factories. In whatever position your destiny has placed you, whether you are millionaires or laborers, kings or beggars, God belongs to you all. If you call Him with love, thinking about Him with devotion, He will reveal Himself to you. He will grant a vision of the divine light of His love. Then you will know that you are an embodiment of bliss.

You will realize, I am Shiva! Yes I am! Yes I am!"

November 19, 2009

बाबा baba बाबा


Swami Muktananda (1908 - 1982), the Siddha Guru, resided for the latter part of his life in Ganeshpuri, India.
His inner blaze electrified a generation of people across the world, and set them on the path to liberation. Muktananda was an unparalled embodiment of his name - The Bliss of Freedom.

Everything Baba did was original. Every look, every gesture. The mirror of his state cast a searchlight on all who opened themselves to him. In Baba, the play of Supreme Consciousness found dynamic expression and made him a Guru of formidable mastery. For that mastery he was and is deeply loved and revered.

Born in India in 1908, Muktananda left home at the age of 15 in search of God. After travelling throughout India as a renunciate for many years, he met his Guru, Bhagawan Nityananda and received spiritual initiation from him.
Following this he did intense spiritual practices for a number of years and attained the highest state of Self-awareness. His spiritual autobiography, "Play of Consciousness" is a record of that journey.
Muktananda had the ability to give people a direct experience of their own inner Truth. He attracted seekers from all parts of the world who were searching for that special, inner experience of the Self. His primary teaching was : "Honour your Self, worship your Self, kneel to your Self, God dwells within you as you"

Today the practices he taught continue to provide the same deep inner connection to those who seek it.

November 17, 2009


It is not surprising that we keep looking for love, because we are all born of love. We come out of love. All of us are nothing but vibrations of love. We are sustained by love, and in the end we merge back into love…. This world is nothing but a school of love; our relationships with our husband or wife, with our children and parents, with our friends and relatives are the university in which we are meant to learn what love and devotion truly are.
Yet the love we experience through other people is just a shadow of the love of the inner Self There is a sublime place inside us where love dwells…. The love that pulses in the cave of the heart does not depend on anything outside. It does not expect anything. It is completely independent.
The love of the Self is selfless and unconditional. It is not relative. It is completely free. It is self-generated and it never dies. This kind of love knows no distinction between high and low, between man and woman. Just as the earth remains the same no matter who comes and goes on it, so true love remains unchanging and independent. Love penetrates your entire being. Love is Consciousness. Love is bliss. It does not exist for the sake of something else. It is supremely free. The path of inner love leads a lover to God. As a person walks on this inner path of love, he not only attains love, but merges in the ocean of love.
If you want to experience love, you have to start by loving yourself' First you have to love your body, then those who are related to your body, and then the master of the body, the inner Self … The truth is that God has no physical body; the only body He has is the body of love. If the love you experience in your daily life-the little love you feel for your friends, your relatives, your pets, and even your possessions-could be turned toward the inner Self, that would be enough to bring you liberation.
