November 24, 2009



Bhakti means intense longing for and love for the Master and His teachings. This Bhakti is also known as Supreme Devotion and Surrender to God and to the Master. Bhakti also means Dharma. Dharma is the act of loving Truth more than mundane life itself. Bhagawan Nityananda was the very embodiment of this Dharma, this Bhakti.

In Bhakti are all the other attainments. The journey to God-Realization is the process of Liberation from the ignorance that has kept you separate from God. Bhakti is the easiest and quickest way to make this journey. With Bhakti, it is your intense desire and longing for the Guru and His teachings that does all the work. It is this intensity that causes God to come looking for you.

There are many thousands of people on every continent on the globe who practice this Bhakti for Bhagawan Nityananda. Even though he is no longer in the body, people of every race, color and creed who worship his form share that they experience him in meditation and in dreams. Many who did not know him in his physical form share that they have been healed from illness by him in a dream or vision. There are those, even today, who receive Shaktipat (Kundalini awakening) just by meditating on a picture of Bhagawan Nityananda.

Those who gather in his name to celebrate his Divine Presence in Chanting, Meditation, Prayer and the taking of Prasad, all share that the presence of Bhagawan Nityananda is clear and palpable.

Truly speaking, he has never left. He dwells in perpetuity, in the hearts of those who love him and remember him daily.

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